Coming Soon..
Dragonfly Project

Our Mission
A residential program designed to help disenfranchised adolescents and young adults transition into meaningful vocational careers. Our purpose is to facilitate training and education for disenfranchised adolescents and young adults that will result in stable jobs and careers. Which will allow them to become contributing members of society
Our Vision
We seek to create an environment that fosters the creation of ethical, hardworking and contributing members of society.

To acquire property and establish appropriate residential, educational and vocational facilities. Starting with young men residing on the property.

Foster and Facilitate relationships with businesses and tradesmen to allow our participants to experience different vocations. Encourage tradesmen and businesses to share the expectations of their professions.

Help participants receive the training and education necessary to be successful in their chosen vocation. Supporting them throughout the process to give them the best chance at success.

Marion County Population
(2020 Census)
All Ages- 375,908
Under age 18- 67,664
Percent in Poverty, 2021
All ages in poverty 13.6% = 51,124 people
Under age 18 in poverty 20.7% = 14,007 children
Related children age 5-17 in families in poverty 19.2%

Average Individual Income in Marion County , 2021
Percent in Poverty, 2021

Amount of money spent on social assistance, 2021
179,309 people

Have you ever witnessed defeat in someone’s eyes? Do you know what is worse? When that defeat is in the eyes of someone who is just beginning to live!
How do you battle Defeat? With HOPE! Dragonfly Project will bring the Hope of a different future. The Hope that comes when someone believes in you. Help us deliver that Hope to those who have forgotten what it means to believe!

How to make a difference
Made out to Sozo; Memo: Dragonfly
PayPal: david.saltlife@gmail.com
More Options Please Reach out to:
Pastor David @ 352-299-5830
We need money to secure the property.
To renovate the property and buildings.
To outfit the facilities.
To outfit the participants.
To secure supplies, for education and training.
To pay Qualified staff.
How To Help
We need connections with businesses & tradesmen
We need Grants written
We need mentors to build relationships & encourage the participants.
We need volunteers